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The next Generation Probiotic

Improve your regeneration and elevate your performance to the next level with our patented bacterial strain

Boost your Microbiome

Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms that participate in the digestion of food, and help provide vitamins and energy for exercise. This affects every aspect of your life, from your metabolism and immune system, to your mental Health

Most Probiotics were developed decades ago, unlike XO Recovery, which is a next generation Probiotic, made with the newest technology on the market. We have patent protected this strain so you will not find anything like it anywhere else.

The bacterial strain in XO-Recovery has proven to rebalance an enzyme called Xanthine Oxidase (therefore the name XO-Recovery). This enzyme plays a big part in your bodys ability to handle the stress that comes with intense workouts.

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Improve recovery

Protect your Cells
Reduce tiredness & fatigue
Gastro-intestinal health

Train hard - Recover Harder

and how Xo can help you

Intense exercise takes a toll on your body. Increased oxidative stress, muscle damage, systemic inflamation and dampened immune response are some of the possible consequences and without enough rest and recovery they may lead you into overtraining. Training hard also reduces the gut blood flow and disrupts the gut barrier function. For some, this leads to unpleasant symptoms like stomach cramps or diarrhea during or after training.

Of course these negative effects are temporary and shouldn't stop you from working out. It just means, that adequate recovery is key to continually make progress and keep your mind and body healthy. Your microbiome plays a big part in all of these processes, and that is, where XO-Recovery comes into play:

Reduces Oxidative Stress

XO-Recovery contributes to the oxidative stress & metabolic waste products induced by exercise. Therefore it helps maintain the normal function of your immune system, during and after exercise, protects your cells from the oxidative stress and systemic inflammation. 

As a Result it can increase your bodys capability to recover and regenerate from training and reduce tiredness and fatigue. Better Recovery results in better performance, which means you will reach your goals faster and safer.

Restores the gut barrier function

If problems with your stomach or digestion during or after exercise is something you struggle with, XO-Recovery may be the solution to your problems.

This Probiotic can help your body restore the gut barrier function, by minimizing the gut metabolic stress caused by reduced blood flow. As a result it will help lessen your symptoms or even relieve them completely

100% Drug and chemical free

You will find no drugs or other chemicals in our Probiotic. We only use 100% organic bacteria that we have grown in our labs under the highest standards. Our bacteria is also very resilient and long living, unlike many other probiotics, which often have a high portion of already dead bacteria.

Your Microbiome is unique. therefore these effects can not be 100% guaranteed. We suggest you try the supplement for at least 30 Days.

How & why we created XO-Recovery

Research for XO-Recovery began with the intention to find probiotic microorganisms which naturally produce enzymes that improve recovery for athletes by reduction of excess metabolic stress during and after exercise. The product is composed of a bacterium from the Lactobacillus plantarum family.

Using modern high-throughput functional screening methods and after evaluation of +2000 different bacteria. The most promising bacteria were considered to be Lactobacillus plantarum.

The screening of the preselection of 500 strains showed that XO-Recovery is the only bacterium that inhibits excess xanthine oxidase activity (XO).
XO Recovery was developed. We consider it to be optimal for athletes to support to dampen excessive oxidative stress and support gastro-intestinal function.

In scientific terms, the two functions of XO Recovery are that (1) the product rebalances the activity of an enzyme named xanthine oxidase that is a major source of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and (2) it reduces the production of metabolic waste products that eliminates beneficial nitric oxide (NO). This enzyme is also the reason for the name "XO-Recovery"

When and how to take it:

XO Recovery should be taken daily with a meal or mixed into a pre/post exercise drink or snack. The daily dose is 200-500mg.


The powder should not be added to hot drinks or meals.

Taking Antibiotics will cancel out the benefits of XO-Recovery

The Science


Title of the Paper


Lactobacillus supplementation was associated with improvement in muscle and renal damage, and oxidative stress

Effect of daily oral Lactobacillus Plantarum PS128 on exercise capacity recovery after a half-marathon

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